TAC Photo Edit Rules

This is the TAC Photo Edit Rules, accessible from TAC TouchUp.click

What Are Cookies

Like many professional platforms, TAC TouchUp, our Photo Retouching service, uses cookies- minuscule files downloaded to your computer- to enhance your experience. This note outlines the data gathered, its usage, and why storing these cookies is sometimes necessary. We'll also illustrate how you can avoid storing these cookies, although refusing them might disrupt certain aspects of the service's functionality.

How We Use Cookies

We utilize various techniques in Photo Retouching for reasons explained below. Sadly, there aren't many standard alternatives to remove these without affecting the features they provide on TAC TouchUp. If you're unsure of their necessity, it's advised to keep all edits, as they may be crucial in enhancing the service you desire.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Cookies Policy Generator.

The Cookies We Set

  • Image Refining TAC

    When you register on TAC TouchUp, we'll apply cookies for signup protocol and overall administration. Usually these cookies are erased post-logout, yet sometimes they persist to recall your photo retouching preferences once you've logged out.

  • "Photo Retouch editing cookies"

    Our site provides Photo Retouching services. Cookies are utilized to recall if you've accessed our TAC TouchUp before, and to display relevant alerts for new/returning users.

  • Photo Touchup Cookies

    Occasionally, we offer surveys and questionnaires to gain improved insight into the usage of our TAC TouchUp Photo Retouching. Such surveys might employ cookies to keep track of participation or to maintain accuracy when changing pages.

Third Party Cookies

In unique situations, we also employ TAC TouchUp, facilitated by reputable third parties. This portion explains which TAC TouchUp features you may run across on this site.

  • Third-party metrics aid in monitoring TAC TouchUp's usage to continuously refine our content. Cookies may record data like duration of use or pages visited, providing insights to enhance your photo retouching experience.

  • Our TAC TouchUp photo retouching tool uses advanced algorithms to provide superior image enhancement, limiting the number of times you need to edit a photo.

    For more details on TAC TouchUp, refer to the official Photo Retouching FAQ.

More Information

We trust this explains things clearly. As hinted before, if unsure about needing a certain effect or not, it's generally better to keep Photo Retouching enabled, as it may enhance features you utilize in our TAC TouchUp.

For more general information on cookies, please read the Cookies Policy article.

For more details about our Photo Retouching services at TAC TouchUp, reach us via our preferred contact methods.

  • PR: TU
  • Try TAC TouchUp:
  • Retch: